Monday, September 14, 2020

Back to School Info.

 Welcome to Grade 1/2!

It is my pleasure to be teaching your child this year! September is such an exciting and busy month for teachers, students and parents. It is a time of change and new beginnings. The children will be making new friends, adjusting to new classrooms and school routines.  Thank you in advance for your patience as we all do our best to navigate through the changes at school due to the Pandemic. It certainly is a different year, but it will be wonderful nonetheless!

*** Please return the green information verification form to school ASAP. You can note any changes directly on the form, sign it and return it to school with your child. 

School Tools     

We ask that each child have:                                                        

    - One pair of running shoes to remain at school (for indoor use only) labeled with your child’s name.      ** If your child wears “tie-up” shoes (as opposed to those with Velcro fasteners), please ensure he/she can tie them independently.                         - A change of clothes (including underwear) in a zip-lock bag (labeled with their name).

- A set of headphones for personal use (labeled with their name).

- A reusable water bottle for personal use (labeled with their name).

- A box of kleenex (with their name), for their desk.

House Keeping Items 

Here are a few reminders to help the year get off to a smooth start.                        - Please make sure all personal belongings, such as school bags, lunch boxes, indoor and outdoor shoes and boots are labeled with your child’s name.                                - Please ensure that you notify the office of any changes to your child’s regular routine. For example, if your child is being picked up instead of taking the bus or someone new is picking up your child.                                                                       - All children must have a pair of indoor running shoes that will stay at school.

-Toys should be left at home.                                                                                  Pick up for walkers is at 3:35pm in the yard.                                                             Students on the bus will be brought to the buses at 3:45pm.                                  - Late students must be signed in from outside the school at the front doors.

- Students will be going outside for recess, rain or shine, so please ensure they are properly dressed for the weather. We will only have indoor recess if there is lightning or it is colder than -25 degrees.

Lunches and Snacks

Lunch hour is from 12:00-1:00. Pack a healthy lunch and snacks for your child that your child will like. Remember that the children have 20 minutes to eat their lunches before they go out to play. The children eat their lunch in the classroom so please pack their lunches in a separate lunch bag (reusable or plastic). We have snack time twice a day, either before or after each recess. Avoid sending gum, candy or pop to school.  This year all garbage, including recyclables will be sent home in your child’s lunch bag. 

For the safety of all students, please do not send students with peanut butter, nuts, or other nut products. Also, please make sure to send a fork or spoon for your child if needed.

Wishlist                                                                                                                      Large zip lock bags and extra boxes of kleenex for the class when needed.          As the year goes on, any classroom needs will be placed under the “Wishlist” section on our classroom blog. Thanks in advance!


More information about weekly homework will be sent home later in September. For now, our biggest priority is ensuring a safe and smooth return to school for students.


I have a classroom Website for parents. It will be updated about once a month and will give parents a closer look at what we are doing in the classroom. Mark it in your favourites or click on my name off our school Website!    (The twitter feed is displayed on the side of the website)


Please follow my twitter account for classroom pictures and reminders    @BourassaFaye

A Final Note

Please take the time to discuss each school day with your child. Ask open-ended questions and offer positive feedback. Review all work brought home and set aside a special time and space for homework. Remember to read to your child every night. Your constant interest will play an important role in your child’s learning success. Should you wish to discuss something with me, please send an email or call the school to set up a mutually convenient time for us to meet.

I look forward to working with you and your child this year!                               

Miss Faye Bourassa 😊

Reminders from the Office

Late arrivals: your child needs to come in through the front door as you will need to sign them in electronically using the QR code posted on the door.

Early dismissal: please notify the school in advance (before 3pm for end of day). We will do our best to have your child ready when you arrive. Upon arrival, you will need to sign your child out electronically

using the QR code posted on the door.

On iPhone-camera works well, other phones: you may need to download a QR code reader.

Thankfully, most families are already registered. This is the last post regarding Messenger. This, and our Twitter feed, is the best way to stay informed. In order to receive these messages you MUST have

registered for our School Messenger communication system. Providing the school office with your email

address will NOT ensure that you receive these messages. You can register at: