Monday, September 16, 2019

Grade 1 Updates - September 16, 2019

Here are some reminders/updates:

Word wall words along with word boxes and a homework notebook
have been sent home. (see note in agenda bag)

Indoor running shoes appropriate for gym are necessary. If you have
not sent in a pair yet, please do so as soon as possible. If for any
reason you are unable to send in a pair, please let me know and I’ll
arrange to get a pair for your child to use at school.
Gym days are Wednesday and Friday.

Pizza orders are due by Thursday, September 19th.  If you cannot
afford pizza at this time but your child would like a slice, please let
me know by Thursday. 

Scholastic book orders are due this Friday.  If you would like to
order books please complete the order online or send the
form/payment  to school by Friday.

Scholastic Book Fair - September 24 -26 at school. Each class will
have an assigned time to visit and purchase items if desired.

Meet the Teacher is this Wednesday, September 18th at 6:30.  This
is an information session so you can learn about the class and what
the grade ones will be doing at school.  If you have specific questions
or concerns about your child, please call or send a note so we can
book a parent teacher meeting or phone call.

The Back To School BBQ has been cancelled.

Library Day is Friday. Please return books to school each week on

Picture Day is October 3rd, 2019.