Sunday, April 19, 2020

Week of April 20, 2020

Dear Parents, 

It was wonderful to see so many of our students at our Google Meet on Friday.  Thank you for all
your efforts to support your children. We truly appreciate everything that you are doing at home.  

This week our math worksheets are from the Teachers Pay Teachers website.  The worksheets
are free but we are unable to post them on our website due to copyright rules.  In order to
access the worksheets, parents will need to sign up for a free account. You can access the
website by following this link:
We realize that this requires an additional step, but these worksheets will provide students with
practice adding canadian coins in an easy to follow format. 

Another great website you may want to access is Dreambox Math.  It is an excellent resource
and it is currently free for families.  The program is intuitive and will increase the difficulty of
tasks as your child progresses. For this reason, please ensure that you make an account for each
child in your family.  If an older child plays on a younger child’s account and answers questions
correctly, the program will increase the difficulty of the questions. You can set up an account

Click on the google slides link below for this week's learning activities. Please remember that the
guidelines for each day are only suggestions, feel free to work at your own pace (and make it
work with your schedule). If you have any questions or troubles, please email your child’s teacher
for help.

Thank you for your continued support!  Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.  We love to hear
news and see pictures of what our students are doing at home.  

The Grade One Team
(Mrs. Bourassa, Miss DiNardo and Miss Kralik)